
Weeks like this can make you feel like you are a failure. Trying to balance work, kids, house chores can be overwhelming. All while thinking, man, I should be enjoying this. An idle mind is the devils playground. Nothing has to be perfect! Your kids do not need you there playing 100% of the time. The house doesn't have to be spotless. Laundry doesn't pile up if you do a little bit at a time. Work intentionally so you get it finished. Make a list, get it done! But do not let your mind trick you, make you feel guilty or like a failure. You are doing a great job! Walk to the mirror, look at yourself and say it, "I'm doing a good job. I've got this!"

Be intentional. If not, you will not be present. You will enjoy nothing.

There's a mom out there that needed to hear that today! Looking at myself here!

Thanks for listening!